drug addiction
drug addiction
DRUG addition is a common problem all over the world
today.there are many forms of drug addiction,but the most dengerour of
all is the absolute dependence on it. long_term use of drugs causes
permanent mental and physical sickness. the more dangerous a substance
is used the more risky it becomes. its continuous use causes total
dependence on the drug.sone kinds of drugs that cause disterbance of
mind and body are heroin,marijuana,tobacco,valium,cocaine and
alcohol. drug addiction is caused by environmental factrs. A few
important environmental factors that may cause drug addictioo are bad
Peer influence and troubled domestic background. whey young people remain in bad company and do experiments in the name of adventure,they may fal a prey to addiction.the people who are dissatisfied and discontented with their lives may also resort to drug addiction in order to seek an escape from responsibilities of life.