Breathing is a sign of life. What are we breathing? We in the breathr. We get oxygen from the air and we must have air all the time. We must have it when we are awake.
Human existence depends on oxygen We also need oxygen to burn fire. The more oxygen that the fire can get, the brighter it will burn. Try an experiment. Blow on a dying fire. You'll see that it burns more brightly. The fire burns more brightly because the air gives it more oxygen Sui gas has become very popular these days. We use it to cook. We use it to run our factories. We use it to heat our rooms We have, however, to take great care with Sui gas. If we have a gas room heater in our bedroom, we must make sure, before we go to sleep, that the fire is off and that there is no gas leakage. Deaths have occurred because of burning of leaking gas at night. Gas heater stays on at night, a fire that we leave no room to breathe oxygen is likely to consume. The result in such cases is obviously suffocation and hence death.